Sunday, November 8, 2009

Google yourself.

I don't know if it is a strange thing to do, googling oneself, but with the power of the internet and my need for a new career, i thought it might be a good idea. You know, just see what I've put out there, be aware of how easily it is for someone to cyber stalk me and discover my secret pain.

Really, I just wanted to make sure everything was kosher for the job search, and assure that this particular blog was not going to show up if anyone tried to google me. My initial fear was that my phone number or address, this blog, and an unfortunate first year rowing picture would pop right up ruining my otherwise stellar reputation and feeling of security. What I found, however, was far too ironic for me to do anything but laugh.

So there I was, sitting at my desk, juggling gchat, facebook messaging, and google (like the ninja that I think I am) when I came across a curious link. The link was from the 123 people search engine, listed my name and insinuated that it could provide all of my contact information. Obviously this was the thing I feared most....well that I thought I feared I clicked on it.

At first glance I was relieved since the phone number and address sections had no information, and the only blog that it listed was one for a student service organization I was on in college, and hey, I will take all the good press I can get. It did give a link to my facebook profile, but thanks to those glorious privacy settings, the creeps would have to friend me to gain access to my profile. As I sighed a sigh of relief, I saw something a little curious. My facebook picture was shown next to two other of which I identified immediately as this french girl who is also on facebook and has my same name. The other one, however, was much less innocent.

While I have been out slaving away searching for jobs, some other girl with my name, general characteristics, and coloring, has apparently been slaving away GIVING jobs to well endowed fellows and posting the pictures on the internet. AWESEOME. sike.

Once I realized that I had been staring at the picture for several minutes in disbelief, I quickly closed the page, crossed my legs and mustered only a few short moments of contemplation before I busted out laughing.

Of COURSE this picture would be out there. I have just spent the last month of my life trying to sustain from all figurative googling (sex )for reasons that actually trump this, but will have to be shared later, and have devoted all my time and energy to positive enterprises, taking this job search seriously and professionally. What. the. hell.

Karma, baby.

what a snow day this has been.

Make good choices, only take food to the face.

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